Sunday 27 May 2012

Lady Gaga: Dealing with Drama in Indonesia

  Lady Gaga’s no stranger to controversy, and Lady Gaga is experiencing all kinds of push-back from folks in Indonesia who don’t want her to perform in Jakarta on June 3.

  It was previously announced that the gig was cancelled due to a lack of permits, but now “Born This Way” tour promoters are trying to negotiate with city officials to make it happen.

Lady Gaga

  Gaga tweeted, "The Jakarta situation is 2-fold: Indonesian authorities demand I censor the show & religious extremist separately, are threatening violence. If the show does go on as scheduled, I will perform the BTWBall alone."

  Asrorun Niam from the National Ulema Council announced, "Lady Gaga is considered an icon for liberal culture and Indonesia's freedom is not without limits. There are restrictions related to norms, morals and religion."

  Meanwhile, the Islamic Defenders Front has threatened to ‘create havoc’ at the show, calling Gaga the ‘devil’s messenger.’ "We have gotten Lady Gaga tickets, not to watch but for us to enter. Whatever will be will be, we're ready for the risk."

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